"Long term effect of teenage birth on earnings: Evidence from a British cohort study," avec Sandy Tubeuf, Oxford Economic Papers (2017).
"Family context and adoption of risky lifestyles: a study of English adolescents", avec Sandy Tubeuf, Chapitre d’un ouvrage collectif Fertility, Health and Lone Parenting : European Contexts. Fabienne Portier (dir.), Routledge. ISBN 978-1-13-863236-3
“Interactions between social and private insurance under ex-post moral hazard”, MPRA Working Paper num. 92445 (2019).
Working Papers and work in Progress
One last effort. An analysis of out-of-pockets in the end-of-life – avec N. Sirven, M. Le Guern, C. Sevilla-Dedieu.
How Selective should a Preferred Provider Network be? Evidence from a French Network of Contracted Opticians competing for the right to sell to a market – avec B. Dormont, M.Mougeot et F.Naeglen.
Regulation and Health care prices: evidence from the dental market – avec Mathilde Péron.
How Private Health Insurance Impacts the Composition of Social Health Insurance.
Conference and Seminar Presentations
Interactions between social and private insurance under ex-post moral hazard. 18th European Health Economics Workshop (EHEW), Oslo.
Evidence from a Network of selected Opticians .38ème Journée des Economistes de la Santé Français, Lyon.
Price contracting in a differentiated market: Bertrand competition or any-willing provider? European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) PhD Student-supervisor and Early Career Researcher (ECR) conference, Barcelona.
Evidence from a French Health Insurance Network of contracted opticians. 33ème Journée de Microéconomie Appliquée, Besançon.
Evidence from a French Health Insurance Network of Contracted Opticians. 14ème Journée des Doctorants en économie de la Santé - Maurice Marchand, Université de Bordeaux.
Interactions between Social and Private Insurance under ex-post Moral Hazard. 2nd European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) PhD Student-Supervisor Conference, Paris.
Interactions entre Assurances Publiques et Privées en présence d’aléa moral. 32ème Journée de Microéconomie Appliquée, Montpellier.